Sat, Sep 16 - Sun, Sep 17, 2023
bLU cRU Family Ride Day Event
New Hampshire Motocross - NHMX
93 Jolly Roger Rd. Lempster, NH
bLU cRU Family Ride Day Event
New Hampshire Motocross - NHMX
93 Jolly Roger Rd. Lempster, NH
Attention all Yamaha Riders…Yamaha bLU cRU and Stimilon Events are hosting a special bLU cRU Family Ride Day weekend September 16-17 at NHMX. We are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the YZ and you get the benefits…the first 25 Yamaha bLU cRU riders on Saturday and Sunday that visit us at the Yamaha display will get their $45 entry fee reimbursed by us.
In addition, we will have beverages and snacks available for you each day as well as a special gift.
Jason Raines will also be on-site and providing demo rides on a wide variety of Yamaha models for you to try out.
Plus, we’ll have some great raffle items available for you to win.
Don’t miss out on this special Yamaha bLU cRU event…the only thing you need to do, is be a member of bLU cRU. If you’re not a member, sign up now at www.yamahablucru.com
New Hampshire Motocross - NHMX
Lempster, NH 03605
Saturday 10am-4pm
Sunday 10am-4pm
The following models will be available for demo rides: TT-R 50, TT-R 110, YZ65, YZ85, YZ85LW, YZ125, YZ125X, YZ250, YZ250F, YZ250FX, YZ450F, YZ450FX
Track Entry Fee Applies.
Please Note: All dates, locations, times and activities are subject to change. Check back here often for the latest information.